Moving forward, you will be confronted by the tension that will compel you to find out how to navigate the uncertainties of synchronizing your personal habits and your team with your ideas, goals, and vision.
What does the 2017 hold for you – your business and your team?

This year was a challenging one for many leaders as they grappled with ‘removing old thinking and reaching for the new’.

Moving forward, you will be confronted by the tension that will compel you to find out how to navigate the uncertainties of synchronizing your personal habits and your team with your ideas, goals, and vision.

But not just through good planning and good execution, but rather through true alignment.

This means at first, removing the ego that may want to keep outdated leadership styles, conflict resolution strategies, age-old methods of ‘doing’ in place.

But instead becoming comfortable knowing that this is simply a time of cognitive dissonance for those who are focussed on what matters most.

It’s a time to remember that unanswered questions are natural, frustrations are normal but your vision is sound.

More importantly, for those who know this to be true – it is a time where many of you are realising it is time to put your stake in the ground, confront below the line thinking head-on and ensure that you remove those people around you who are aligned with where you are heading.

And do so respectfully unapologetically.

Marianne Williamson said:

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

This means being smart enough to:

Acknowledge the challenges of the year that was;
Rise above the noise to see the future; and
Have wisdom and insight to strategically align with that which you seek to accomplish as a leader.
Tomorrow I will be sharing more insights on LIVE Telecast that will focus upon new insights into values alignment that will give you a stronger foundation to build upon for the coming season.

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Here’s to Values Alignment!

Ilsé Strauss
