The values framework was developed by Shalom H. Shwartz to measure how different cultures prioritize their values. 10 universal values were identified. Values are the things that are most important to us. Whether it is security, connection, ambition etc. These values are usually expressed in ends based terms such as ‘career’ which supports a security value. Each person and each group of people have a unique values blueprint. But values are usually subconscious which means that the power of values as a motivator and a guide for your personal and professional life may be untapped. It is especially important for building ethical businesses because moral values is the driving force of ethical strategy and conduct.

 10 Universal Values

The 10 universal values featured in this Personal Values Test are:


this includes establishing and developing
one’s own life path.


protecting the well-being of people and the
environment constitute the essence and the
core motivation that drives their behaviour.


involves the search for excitement and vivid sensations in life.


the main motivational goal is to enjoy life’s goals and events.


involves the positive result of work and activities and the success associated with the evaluation of these results as outstanding.


this includes safeguarding and aiding people with whom one is in close contact.


keeping to the historically established customs, norms of behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, etc., that are passed on from generation to generation.


means a conscious limitation of one’s desires, emotions and impulsive actions that can harm or hurt other people.


t implies the right and ability to have power
over other people or resources.


the motivational background is the need
for a sense of harmony and security in society,
oneself and others.

Other personality and organisational profiling

which complements the Shwartz Values framework including:

HEXACO Personality

The HEXACO personality profile is an advancement of the Big Five personality test because it includes a sixth trait (Honesty-Humility). The other dimensions assessed include emotionality, eXtraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience.

Strengths Assessment

The Strengths Profile assessment measures 60 different strengths across three areas: realized strengths (strengths you use often and are confident in), unrealized strengths (strengths you use less often but have potential to develop) and learned behaviors (skills you have developed but may not enjoy or find energizing).

Organisational ethical Climate

The ethical climate assessment survey the shared perceptions about ethics at the individual, organisational and cosmopolitan levels. The 5 dominant types of ethical climates include: Instrumental, caring, law and order, rules, and independence. This survey helps to identify where ego and self-interests are not at optimal levels and your consultant can provide strategies to improve the organisational ethics.