Baymax 6 is 100% run by the software program that he is loaded with – and any new file will alter how he behaves and thinks. As if you are loading a new software program – your own attitude, habits and skills will be a reflection of the files that you have pre-loaded. As old files become outdated you must re-program new values to support the next season.

Box office sensation – Big Hero 6 tells the story of a little boy and his relationship with a loveable robot named Baymax who is on a quest. Baymax is run by the software program that he is loaded with and any new file that is pre-loaded changes how he behaves and thinks.

Very quickly Baymax falls prey to those who have different agenda’s, attitudes and skills. And their coding become the files that he adopts, to the detriment of all that is at stake.

“And as if you are loading a new software program – your own attitude, habits and skills will be a reflection of  the files that you have pre-loaded.”

Which means that old files, outdated ways of thinking and behaving become outdated very quickly. This is seen in:

  • Mishaps;
  • Plateaus; and
  • Frustrations.

Famous poet and leader, Ralph Waldo Emerson inspired the notion “It’s not in your goals but in your transition that you become great”.

To transition by definition means ‘the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another’.  And as we all know – it is often associated with growing pains.

This transitional aspect of success is often overlooked (by pursuers of success, theorists and educators alike) because it’s not as easy as just writing new goals, making new plans or identifying the weak areas. But instead it is the facilitation of change should have your attention.

Those who are pioneers, visionaries and change-makers have a greater responsibility to recognize when it is time to update your values software.

Perhaps changes are required in the form of:

  • Team development and growth;
  • Improvement of cultural values;
  • Implementation of new strategies; or perhaps
  • Management of self.

Those who know it’s time to shift gears (and do so successfully), do so because they have re-loaded a new file that helps them transition to align their operating values with their goals. That is, they recognize that only from eliciting upgraded values come new attitudes, new habits and therefore new results.

Based on cognitive processing research by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, it is proven that your values are more powerful than beliefs.

Look behind anyone that has done something of worth – there has always been someone else who has equipped and challenged them. Michael Jordon had Phil Jackson … Donald Trump had George Ross…

Anxeity, lack of motivation and frustration signal that you have outgrown the old.

You cannot put new wine into old wineskins – otherwise the wine skin will burst. It takes courage and discipline to acknowledge that your outdated values that served you for the last season will no longer support or energise you for the next.

Every leader should complete a Values Alignment Diagnostic at least once a year to determine how aligned your leadership, team and strategic values are with the vision. Contact a consultant on 1800 455 679 or e-mail to arrange a meeting.

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