Are You Ready to Transform?

Become a NEW Leader with a Powerful Growth Mindset to Develop your Leadership Legacy!

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Assess 4 Coachability Capabilities

Based on cognitive behavioural modification processing and methodology.





Our Guarantee

As a result of completing this program, you will have an effective leadership development plan to achieve organisational goals.

  • A deeper understanding of the internal values that guide you as a leader
  • An awareness of the leadership blind spots that may damage your effectiveness
  • Advanced communication skills to express your vision and values effectively
  • Development of the qualities, skills and goals that shapes your leadership legacy


The coaching process will give you the awareness of the meaning you attach to things – memories, ideologies, people, systems, and other elements in our environment. As a leader, if the meaning you have is not congruent with moving you towards your goals, then problems, sabotage, conflict, and burnout will occur. 

Create a Healthy Mindset

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Using our values Insight technique, you will tap into behavioural change principles to increase focus, create change and achieve results

Design your Leadership Legacy

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Gain a deeper understanding of how your Hero/Zero moments have shaped your leadership style and contribute to your legacy.

Build PurposeDRIVEN Goals

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Rework traditional goal setting and maximise results with our unique methodology in goal setting and alignment.

Discover your Unconscious Biases

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Learn more about your blueprint for bias and sabotage to understand the conditions, stressors, and triggers that derail your best efforts.

Reignite Work/Life Harmony

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Build powerful rituals into your day and discover the power of Gratitude mornings to boost your performance and mental wellbeing.

Deepen your Emotional Fitness

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Gain awareness of how Emotions contribute to the masks you wear and the subsequent effect upon your emotional health and relationships.

“ The success of any leader depends upon their ability to humble themselves for personal reflection to benefit those around them… ”


— Ilsé J Strauss —

The Leadership Coaching program is exclusively designed by Ilsé Strauss, a highly trained Professional Coach with over 4,500 hours in Leadership Coaching. Ilse has consulted and coached leaders in new businesses, SME’s and multiple multi-million dollar organizations in areas such as stakeholder relations, engaging teams, personal growth, innovation, and organizational culture. Ilsé works with a blend of Leadership Frameworks and Cognitive Behavioural Modification techniques, o give you immediate and maximum change for long-term results.

Are You Ready to Transform?

Become a NEW Leader with a Powerful Growth Mindset to Develop your Leadership Legacy!

FREE Leadership Coachabilty Quiz


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