Ground rules come from presuppositions, which are those background beliefs, ground rules or connector principles, held and agreed upon before the beginning of a new course of action.
People ache for ground rules.

And these ground rules establish the foundation upon which your team draws cultural cues, and most importantly – determines the morale.

Ground rules come from presuppositions, which are those background beliefs, ground rules or connector principles, held and agreed upon before the beginning of a new course of action.

And in the context of developing culture and morale, the following provides you with some of these ground rules that play the role of a connecting principle to your success upon improving the atmosphere, culture, and morale of your organisation.

Presupposition #1 – Whatever is embedded and taught, becomes ‘the way we do things around here’;
Presupposition #2 – The energy held by the most influential person in the workplace will always determine culture and morale;
Presupposition #3 – Where there is smoke, there is usually fire, so keep an eye out for the little behavioral changes;
Presupposition #4 – Whatever you can articulate, you can have and as such, if you everyone communicates the same intention, the culture will strengthen;
Presupposition #5 – Create a culture of immediate feedback – which will speed up the growth process and strengthen morale;
Presupposition #6 – If you have an identity associated with a cultural value the behavior and culture around that value will develop;
Presupposition #7 – The strength of moral lies in the fluency of rapport individuals have with company culture, vision and goals;
Presupposition #8 – Where you need to confront poor behavior, confront the values frame and use it as an opportunity to expand their awareness of culture;
Presupposition #9 – Everyone is responsible for culture and morale – no exceptions;
Presupposition #10 – That which is top of mind, will always control where you focus and where your energy will flow.

The more you develop your courage and skills to assert yourself in all situations, the more impact and influence you will have upon your team.

Contact us on 1800 455 679 for more information on our programs.

Ilsé Strauss

Senior Trainer and Founder of PurposeSYNC
