We Get What We Focus On…The Exclusion of Everything Else…

Your Core Identity is you that lies beneath the constraint of the expectations of those around you. And I don’t mean those where you have responsibilities, I mean expectations from people where your boundaries aren’t respected.

One thing I have learned as a Human Behaviour specialist for leaders is that your world, your business success, the quality of your team, your relationships, are all a direct result of the choices we make. The life we craft. Or the life we submit to.

Your Core Identity is reconnecting with that part of you, beyond being a business owner and allowing those desires to fuel your fullest experience in life.

So I have a question for you…

In the next 5 years’ time, how could your life be if you were to design it without any limitations?

If anything was possible…

If all the problems you currently have were solved…

If you were living your most empowered self…

And if your highest intention of service and legacy was a reality.

To get clear on what YOU truly want – not just financially or other surface-level dreams, go straight through to the Core Identity Exercise that has been prepared for you.

But most people don’t pause to consider that their lives can be much different from what they originally planned OR that it can much GREATER then thought.

There is absolutely nothing standing between you and your goals – except the negative internal dialogue that happens in our minds. This affects our results and if we’re honest – our hearts.

There is one universal truth that has a profound impact on the direction and trajectory of our experience – and that is the principle that we get what we focus on to the exclusion of everything else.

So today I’d like to invite you to shift your focus to reconnecting with your Core Identity which has been designed with a combination of questions designed to activate the purity of your subconscious mind.

Ilsé Strauss

Senior Facilitator

P.S Feel free to email me and ask any questions and I’m looking forward to hearing how the Core Identity Exercise has impacted you.
