The Values Alignment Blueprint program will provide you with the skills to enhance your communication to support others within your sphere of influence, to align their attitudes, behaviors, and decisions with new values.

Values Alignment Blueprint

Adopt new values and skills to achieve your goals, vision, and purpose.

Most leaders will agree that there is less of a value determination problem and rather a values alignment problem.

Our Values Alignment Blueprint has been designed to position leaders for the new season of growth. This means, out-dated values sets must be removed and priming is imperative to integrate new values.

If you are looking to optimise individual talent to ensure your leaders are operating at the highest level of peak performance, then this program is essential.

The harsh reality is, that in every leader there are talents that are lying dormant. Yet, if activated, can increase output and impact positively upon organisational goals.

Therefore, using behavioural profiling and cognitive processing strategies to activate these talents, by honing in on your where you add the most value, is becoming necessary in leadership frameworks.

Any talent management program must first and foremost look in-depth at the individual’s potential before the ‘development’ process beings. Most programs fall short in supporting the individual to consistently operate at a high level of performance, using that same talent that is valued by the organisation. Our Values Alignment Blueprint Program solves this problem.

Values-based leadership is a Perceptive Leadership model, in that its philosophy is to sharpen your intuition and acuity in values to become more dynamic as a leader.

The problem is that most leaders are unsure about how to create alignment in their daily rituals and habits to achieve the intended purpose of the organisation.

Just as we put on warmer jackets in winter, the solution is that you must also upgrade the values you are operating out of to align with the new direction for where you are going to next.

What this means is that your skills, talents, and gifts must be in a greater focus to help you not only be more fulfilled in your scope of responsibilities but also it must form the basis of the Blueprint moving forward.

Our Values Alignment Blueprint program builds on from the previous (VDL) by showing leaders how to elicit their greatest talents and values and form a blueprint for daily success. Including the following parameters:

  1. The Leadership Project;
  2. Wheel of Values; and
  3. The Values Performance Model.

Moreover, our Values Alignment Blueprint program will provide you with the skills to enhance your communication to support others within your sphere of influence, to align their attitudes, behaviors, and decisions with new values.

Get started with the Values Alignment Blueprint program with all the tools and support you need in order to fully activate your greatest talents and values as a leader to serve your vision.
