To have a compelling and extraordinary culture we have to first visualize what that culture will be like. So it’s important to pause and start imagining what you want. And even if you already have a cultural vision in place one thing human behavior teaches us is that the subconscious mind is always presenting new and improved ideas. So make your vision more elaborate, more profound and extraordinary!

The quality of our culture will be based upon the quality of our questions. So to create a compelling culture we have to ask compelling questions.

The Core Compelling Cultural Benchmarks are:

  1. Values
  2. Language
  3. Rituals
  4. Symbols
  5. Stories
  6. Characters
  7. Celebrations
  8. Emotion
  9. Personality
  10. Unicorn

And together with your team discuss the following questions:

  • What values are present in the day to day experience in your workplace?
  • What is the language and catch-phrases being used?
  • What are loved rituals and traditions that are present?
  • What symbols and objects are honoured and revered?
  • What are the historic stories and legends told?
  • Who are the idolized Hero’s and main characters in the culture?
  • What is celebrated with passion by all?
  • What is the predominant emotion present in the organization?
  • What personality is your culture?
  • What is unique about your culture – your Unicorn amongst the stable of other workplaces?

Contact us on 1800 455 679 to find out more about skills development programs today!
