To be successful in vision alignment – you must develop the skills to delegate but more importantly, you need to understand the thinking and the principles deeply embedded within the ‘act’ of delegation to achieve success.
- Results
- Guidelines
- Resources
- Accountability
- Consequences
To be successful in vision alignment, you must develop the skills to delegate. But, more importantly, you need to understand the thinking and the principles deeply embedded within the ‘act’ of delegation to achieve success.
Therefore, to overcome the challenges in the delegation, you need to consider the following:
Law of Intent
What is the intention behind the initiative? Is everybody clear on the reason for the activity? If you establish the purpose of an activity, whether it’s the agenda of a meeting or, the objective of putting on a fundraising event or the reason for a new product release – then the Law of Intent states that people will rally behind the idea with a shared purpose.
Law of Mentorship
To get the best out of your people the Law of Mentorship states that there must be ample opportunity for each individual to be mentored to achieve success within your job. This assumes that there is always someone or someplace where they can go to gain further depth of knowledge to understand new benchmarks to achieve the desired result. In achieving vision alignment, it also means mentorship should and must address cultural values.
Law of Resources
What tools, structures or systems are needed to help your employees do a better job? Sometimes a simple excel spreadsheet will do, perhaps a weekly meeting or maybe a new software program is required. The Law of Resources says that to effectively carry out responsibilities you need the right resources to do the job. Does your team have what’s needed to do fulfill their responsibilities?
Law of Ownership
The Law of Ownership states that whatever you perceive to own, you will take responsibility for it. Therefore, if your team does not view their role as something they are the custodian of, if they are not invested in the objectives and the goals pertaining to their job than you as the CEO will always struggle to see your team invest in their role.
And the 5th Law:
Law of the Ripple Effect
Every action or inaction has a ripple effect. Leaders who are centered upon vision alignment as a priority, understand that their team must constantly be in a place of ‘expanded awareness’ in relation to how their role impacts their colleagues, their environment, and the company vision. Often your team is so ‘busy’ trying to do their job, that they don’t have the context of what their job means to the company.
The success or failure of any enterprise is how successfully you can lead others to translate the vision through the core filters of 1. Management Teams; 2. Employee Culture; 3. Customer Experience and 4. Leadership Development.
Every leader should complete a Vision Alignment Diagnostic at least once a year to determine how well your people and your strategy is aligned with the vision. Contact Ilse on 0427 355 138 or E-mail: to arrange a meeting.